awakening collection

Features a harmonious blend of soft florals, delicate foliage, and lively bursts of color, this collection invites you to embrace nature’s beauty in all its glory.

Petal Parade - BLE | Breathe Live Explore

fabric spotlight

petal parade

Explore one of our most-favorited prints that features geometric petals and a subtle cream hue, ideal for elevating both apparel and home decor projects!


tablecloth inspo

bloom haven

Paired with our Floral Fantasia print, this showcases gentle florals and a soothing palette that effortlessly infuses warmth and relaxation, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of sewing endeavors!


what would you make?

We would reallllly love to see your next sewing adventure. Share them with us #blefabrics on instagram to get your project featured on our website and socials. Happy making!